Wednesday 21 October 2009


Homework due in on the 6TH NOVEMBER

You need to start looking at opening title sequences for feature films (the first two minutes). Looking at the opening sequences for different films should start to give you ideas. Remember to make a note of the genre of the film when analysing the title sequence. There are many ways that you can get to look at opening sequences from films on tv, your own dvd's, films on bbc iplayer as well as youtube. The opening includes any credits as well as the logos at the very start. You should think about: 
  • the music used, if any. 
  • the font used in the credits.
  • the first shots/scene
  • camera work
  • editing
  • mise-en-scene
  • sound used
  • what happens, how is the viewer hooked?

 You need to compare 5 opening title sequences (three of them from your favourite film list) and create a story board for at least three of them. The storyboard can be made by 'screen grabbing' each shot and putting them together as they do on the site linked below.

This is an essential resource which will allow you to explore lots of sequences.

After your research you will have to create your own storyboard title sequence.

All research needs to be posted onto your blogs with links embeds and uploads as well as ,of course, your own writing discussing the sequences.

Remember you are to 'mine' for information on the web. Do a search and see what new information/links you can find that we can share with the group.

Saturday 10 October 2009


Using final-cut Pro I have created this short title sequence i then used garageband to create some music.


On the right of this page at the top you can see the list of technologies that i have used so far. Don't forget you need to create one now.

To do this you should click customise>layout>page elements then 'add gadget'. Scroll down the options until you find LIST. Add this gadget and start your list

Friday 9 October 2009


I have not done an animatic before but using the link below i managed it in twenty five minutes...can you beat that?
You can do drawings or any kind of still image. I used Adobe Imageready.



1.Find out what an animatic is and then produce one. You can use your storyboards,    camera-phones, digital cameras etc. You'll understand once you start to mine for information about Animatics on the net.

2.I want you to Post a list of some films you like and what there genre is.  Provide a url link to them on  This site will tell you what genre they are.

Deadline for 1. is Thursday 15th October
                       2. is Tuesday 13th October

!!! EXAM STUFF !!!

You need to familiarize yourself with these questions. Once you have made your film you will be asked to answer these questions. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THEM. Especially now as you start because you will then know what to think about as you create your film. They will help you when writing posts.


1.     In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 


2.     How does your media product represent particular social groups? 


3.     What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? 


4.     Who would be the audience for your media product? 


5.     How did you attract/address your audience? 


6.     What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 


7.     Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? 


All Story boards and shot plans should be uploaded onto your portfolio blog. A shot list and script would be good as well. 

You should write something about each post you put up and you should give the post a title.

Your preliminary tasks need to be uploaded to the blog too.

Posts should include:
180 degree rule
30 degree rule
match on action
Shot reverse shot

For each of these posts you should use your preliminary task as an example. You need to get clips from the prelim. task film uploaded to illustrate each of the above technical elements.

A post on using final cut pro and the digital camera should be there too. You should start a list of all the technologies you have used for this task. Screen grabs of the software in use should be used to show your understanding.



Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Wednesday 30 September 2009


The first task you were given was to create a blog. The above slideshow  tells you how to do it. You should regularly make entries to your blog. If you use an article or anything that is not your own writing you must put it in quotes and credit the source. The blog should show your own understanding. You will not get good marks just for putting loads of  'stuff' on the Blog.